Have you completed CHW training? You can secure a paid apprenticeship in a high quality healthcare job. Your employer will help prepare you for a promising healthcare career.
skills to kickoff a rewarding career.
real money like a $50k
annual salary.
your neighbors by helping them get the health care they need.
The Delaware CHW Apprenticeship Program was established by Sussex County Health Coalition in May 2023. Apprenticeship is a career pathway offered by employers, allowing them to develop and prepare a skilled workforce. Individuals can be paid while they learn their trade through on the job training and classroom and online instruction.
Apprenticeship provides you the opportunity to receive nationally recognized, industry portable credentials as a Community Health Worker (CHW). Did you know that “90% of apprentices who complete an apprenticeship retain their employment”?
What are the benefits of apprenticeship?
Don’t miss the opportunity to jump start your career as a CHW through a registered apprenticeship program. Contact us today for more information.